Tuesday, August 11, 2009

The Yankees and Red Sox Broadcasting Network AKA ESPN

So, I don't know if you noticed, but ESPN's Chris Mortensen has been visiting the training camps for a select group of NFL teams. He has a fancy bus that he is very proud of and he's been interviewing someone from every team he's visited on this bus. Well, as fate would have it, when good ole Mort rolled into Detroit, the commissioner happened to be in town. So instead of talking to anyone at all related to the Lions, he spends his time with the comish. In and out of town with ever talking to anyone from the Lions team. Not the number 1 overall pick, not anyone from the new front office. Hell, I would have been satisfied if they had rolled Matt Millen out from the back, that would've been close enough for me. But no.

I guess Detroit deserves this for being the worst team in the history of football and I don't really feel bad for them, although we here at SOS do love Stafford. No what bothers me is that no one seemed the least bit fazed by this. No one really even noticed. I guess this is why ESPN can continue to get away with ignoring much of the country's sports teams on a daily basis. Now, we all know that during baseball season ESPN becomes the Yankees and Red Sox broadcasting network, but I had hopes that maybe the NFL would be immune to this treatment. Unfortunately, I appear to be wrong again and the only football news I'll get will be about T.O. , Michael Vick, Tom Brady's knee, or someone getting arrested. The only way to get any actual on field news is for a punter to run for a touchdown. Great, soon I'll have to start cheering for long snappers and the gunner on the punt team. It depresses me to say it, but I miss Boomer and Tom Jackson. I can't believe I wrote that, much less thought it. That makes me a sad panda. I don't really want to write anymore.


1 comment:

  1. The other thing that will get you on ESPN is to get married... have sex with random women at a bar... and then pay for their abortion... maybe someone from the motor city should consider??? Couldn't agree with you guys more!
