Tuesday, August 18, 2009

The Truth About Baseball

All right, so Justin Credible is gonna set everyone straight about steroids and I'll add my two cents as it applies.

Baseball players took steroids, period. There is no need for an asterisk or any other unholy symbol to represent the dark period of baseball. All positions were affected by the use of steroids. Pitchers used, hitters used, hell some coaches and bat boys probably used. So the guy hitting the huge hommers was hitting that fastball thrown from a equally jucied pitcher. The only real complaint should be why baseball did not address the problem in the 80's. Bud you knew what was up were not all idiots. There should be no question why players took steroids. They work. Now they may not help a player hit a round ball with a round bat, but it will help them hit that sucker a long way and more importantly it will help keep that player in the game for 162 games a year. Before pointing that ugly finger at baseball, let's take an honest look at the current culture of sports. Has anyone changed the channel to "World's Strongest Man," the WWE, the bodybuilders in the olympia competition, the UFC, "USC" linebackers, the Govenator, the Olympic sprinters (male and female) or maybe the movie "300?" Lets not forget those crafty cyclists (don't believe me read a freaking book). Why is the media just a black flag over baseball, when everyone is doing it? Certainly, it has been mishandled and mismanaged, but we should be looking at all sport and not just baseball. Yes, It may be a black eye for baseball, but my real concern is for our culture and more importantly or young people. Make no mistake steroids have effected all sport on every level for a long long time. And for those of you still living in your bubble. Trust me, Winstroll, was being handed out like skittles in the 70's and 80's. I will end my rant with a talk about the problem with availability of steroids. Has anyone ever heard anyone talking about not being able to get the drugs. (probably not) If the Government was really interested in stopping the problem, which they so publicly showed. Lets start cracking down on local meat heads. (GNC anyone) Oh yea just in case Congress is reading this if a guy in New York city orders cattle prducts something may be up.

That was JC, now I'll add my thoughts. Steroids is a media problem. I think fans could care less. We know it happened. We know it's still happening. We don't care. Okay, maybe we care a little. We don't want our kids doing it. And we would like it to go away, but we are realists. We want there to be sports. We want our sports to be exciting and played by great athletes. If you start taking away the best athletes because they used and lower the quality of sports, then we may get angry. If you can clean it up and still keep the competitiveness, then do it. Otherwise, shut up. We didn't even need to know. We still don't need to know. Barry Bonds is still the best hitter of my generation. Even the juiced up pitchers couldn't get him out. As far as I'm concerned, everyone was juicing and it was an even playing field. So I'm good.

I do not even blame the players. I know they were illegal. The sport may not have been testing, but they were still illegal. However, if I someone told me that this substance could give me a chance to make it to the pinnacle of the my job or career and otherwise I would be stuck where I am for the rest of my career, I would probably consider it. Especially when I watched other people who were less talented than me suddenly pass me by. I am actually just sick of hearing about it. Pro athletes are competitive and are going to use any advantage they can get their hands on. That's the way it is. Steroids work, so athletes are going to use them. Until you can actually clear out every single player that used or is using and completely level the playing field again, I don't care. The long and short of it is that technology is going to keep beating the tests, so I would just like to stop hearing about it.

Peace, SL

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